It has been a little more than a week since the Aug. 31 closure of Nashoba Valley Medical Center, and some local fire officials are already seeing the consequences.
‘It is going to cost lives’: Nashoba Valley Medical Center, Carney Hospital shuttered due to Steward crisis
AYER — After months of drawn-out debate, protests and calls for further intervention into the Steward Health Care bankruptcy crisis, Nashoba Valley Medical Center’s staff solemnly walked out the front door together right at 7 a.m. Saturday when the hospital officially closed down.
Editorial: Any legs to UMH’s urgent-care interest in Ayer hospital?
One hundred percent of nothing, or a certain percentage of something? The answer to that question could decide the eventual fate of Nashoba Valley Medical Center. According to a story earlier this week in the Telegram & Gazette – based on reporting by the Worcester Business Journal – UMass Memorial Health has explored the possibility […]
Hundreds form human chain around NVMC in show of solidarity ahead of closure
AYER — With just days to go until the imminent closure of Nashoba Valley Medical Center, hundreds of hospital staff, residents and elected officials gathered at the facility to form a human chain around the building in solidarity and protest.
Officials, residents and NVMC staff sound off on hospital closure during DPH hearing
DEVENS — Dozens of residents, elected officials, first responders and hospital staff sounded off on Steward Health Care and Gov. Maura Healey in a public hearing by the state Department of Public Health regarding the impending closure of Nashoba Valley Medical Center.
Ayer Select Board seeks state of emergency to stop hospital closure
AYER — With the announced closure of Nashoba Valley Medical Center looming at the end of August, the Select Board signed an official resolution on Tuesday to declare a state of public health emergency. NVMC is one of eight Massachusetts hospitals owned by Steward Health Care, two of which are set to close August 31, […]