It’s no surprise that corrections officers exhibit the worst health of any U.S. occupational group, with high rates of on-the-job injuries, suicide, obesity, hypertension and sleep disruption. Their life expectancy averages more than a decade less than those in other professions, according to research in multiple states. Mazen El Ghaziri, the assistant chair and associate […]
Editorial: Landmark’s face lift making Leominster a more livable city
Earlier this week the newspaper gave a written and visual update on the status of the Monument Square improvement project in downtown Leominster. It’s encouraging to see that upgrades to that city landmark remain on track to be completed by the end of June. Funding for its renovation came courtesy of a $400,000 state Parkland […]
Editorial: Benefits of police body cameras well worth the expense
In the nationwide atmosphere of heightened scrutiny on the performance of police officers, the Lowell Police Department launched a body-camera pilot program last April that equipped 30 officers – 10 on each shift – with those devices. As part of this initial introduction, then-interim Police Superintendent Barry Golner said the plan was to rotate the […]
Editorial: Sobering message from one who lived it continues to hit home
His story of desperation and redemption has been well documented, but the message he imparts continues to ring true for the countless numbers spellbound by his hell-and-back experience. In the 15 years that he’s been free of drug dependency, Chris Herren has crisscrossed the nation, preaching the benefits of sobriety and the evils of addiction. […]
Editorial: Bill would insert financial literacy into the classroom
North Middlesex Regional High School recently held a school fair with real-world flair, a combined effort by students, faculty and administrators. School Superintendent Brad Morgan said that collaboration created the inaugural Credit for Life financial literacy fair for seniors. The April 10 event gave students an opportunity to learn about a subject not covered in […]
Editorial: Rescued animals, temporary shelter need your support
Those 162 animals removed from the squalid conditions they endured at a Taft Street property in Ayer have fortunately found temporary shelter, but a permanent solution for their plight involves finding loving homes for these abused creatures. The animals – some in need of medical care — were seized by MSPCA Law Enforcement and Ayer […]