FITCHBURG — The police program at Fitchburg State University, in association with its Criminal Justice Club, will host a panel discussion for Women in Law Enforcement at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4 in Weston Auditorium, 353 North St. Admission is free and open to the public. The panel was assembled with assistance from the Massachusetts […]
‘Growing a sustainable creative economy’
FITCHBURG — Arts matter to everyone — that was just one of the messages put forward during the first Creative Network Summit sponsored by the Fitchburg Creative City Partnership, and headed by artist and organizer Derek Craig of Young Coff33. Held this weekend at Fitchburg Art Museum and the Fitchburg Senior Center, the Summit brought […]
Fitchburg DPW Alerts: Week of Feb. 24, 2025
FITCHBURG – The Department of Public Works advises residents of the following work that will be done, weather permitting, during the week of Feb. 24, 2025. Road Construction Monday-Sunday 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. River Street Bridge: MassDOT’s contractor Northern Construction has implemented a detour on the River Street Bridge. All southbound traffic will follow […]
Larger than life
LEOMINSTER — Dedicated. Larger than life. A true legend. These are just some of the ways community members and friends are describing Robert ‘Bob’ Healy in the wake of the talented music conductor, theatre director, and educator passing away on Feb. 6 at the age of 78. The longtime city resident was deeply entrenched in […]
Community Foundation awards $139K to regional health projects
FITCHBURG — With the Nashoba Valley Medical Center now closed, the Ayer Fire Department was recently forced to add a third mechanical chest compression system to a fire engine to compensate for the lack of a nearby emergency room. The addition was just one of 14 community health projects that were recently awarded funding through […]
Revontulent Folk Dancers to host workshop and dance
FITCHBURG — The Revontulet Folk Dancers are excited to present a Nordic folk dance workshop and an evening dance to be held Saturday, March 22, at the Finnish Center at Saima Park, located at 67 Scott Road. In the afternoon, guest instructors Tom Roby and Laura Stern will teach two popular dances — the Hambo […]