A top Senate Democrat expressed skepticism toward Gov. Maura Healey’s plan to boost state spending by 7.4% in fiscal year 2026 as Massachusetts faces constrained tax revenue growth and increased costs of doing business.
Local News
City progressing in dealing with sewage overflow
FITCHBURG — In addition to completing significant work to deal with sewage overflow issues to date, the city recently announced the approval of $4.1 million in loan forgiveness for the ongoing Combined Sewer Overflow Separation and Rehabilitation projects. During widespread flooding, such as the wet summer of 2023, flooding near sewage treatment facilities would cause […]
Families who claim eligibility for state-run shelter handed month-long benefits worth $15K
Families seeking access to taxpayer-funded shelters who claim eligibility for benefits receive up to $15,000 in services and housing during the month it takes state officials to determine whether they actually belong in the emergency assistance program, the Healey administration said.
Lunenburg Public Library to host Winter Puzzle Swap
LUNENBURG — The community is welcome to warm up at the Lunenburg Public Library’s Winter Puzzle Swap from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at the library, 1023 Massachusetts Ave. Starting on Monday, Feb. 3, you can exchange your completed jigsaw puzzles for swap vouchers. Bring your puzzle donations to the front desk and […]
Local social club gives back to nonprofits
FITCHBURG — Former St. Joseph’s Club President Terrance McCormick has been making his way around the Twin Cities and beyond presenting donations to various charities and organizations on behalf of the dissolved Fitchburg social club. The private club established in 1936 was originally called the Cleghorn Athletic Association and at high points it was 500 […]
Massachusetts education test scores back to top in the nation, but still behind pre-pandemic
Massachusetts’s students are back to being the top in the U.S. for all categories in a test known as the “Nation’s Report Card” — but still remain well behind the state’s pre-pandemic scores.