The Massachusetts State Police said it adopted new training and policies on covert audio recordings once illegal recordings were uncovered in 2022, leading to new trials for a slew of Worcester County drug convictions.
Boston University CTE study finds link between contact sports, CTE, Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms
Boston University CTE study finds link between contact sports, CTE, Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms
Massachusetts truck safety regulations spur division in wake of Cambridge cyclist deaths
All state-contracted trucks must be equipped with side guards, improved mirrors and backup cameras by January 2025. The Massachusetts Municipal Association says the order is an “unreasonable ask.”
Motorcyclist killed in head-on crash with motor vehicle in Groton
GROTON — A motorcyclist from Ayer was killed late Wednesday afternoon when a motor vehicle veered into his lane of travel on Boston Road, striking him head-on.
Slew of North Central MA drug cases to be retried, judge rules
A slew of Worcester County drug cases will be allowed to be retried after a judge ruled that “egregious” conduct by the Massachusetts State Police tainted the cases’ investigation and denied defendants’ their right to pursue “vital defenses” at trial.
Driver’s license of New Hampshire trucker acquitted in fatal crash in 2019 will remain suspended, judge rules
The driving privileges of a man acquitted of barreling through a line of bikers in a multiple-fatal crash in New Hampshire in 2019 will be suspended for the full seven years allowed by law, a judge ruled.