A former official in Quincy has been arrested for allegedly orchestrating an “utterly disgraceful” scheme in which he embezzled thousands in taxpayer dollars for self expenditures including over 100 pounds of bourbon steak tips.
Massachusetts man with Nazi flag arrested after ‘frightening and disturbing threats targeting the Jewish community’
Massachusetts man with Nazi flag, cache of guns arrested after ‘frightening and disturbing threats targeting the Jewish community’
Massachusetts State Police Capt. smashes OT ceiling with $584K total pay [+Top 10 graphic]
A Herald analysis of the new 2024 state salary database shows 2,251 employees earned more than $50,000 in overtime last year in all departments. That’s up 6.9% year-over-year, “Your Tax Dollars at Work” data show.
Worcester man arrested in connection with Hubbardston death
WORCESTER — Police arrested a Worcester man on Sunday in connection with the death of a man found on Saturday in Hubbardston, according to Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr. Ryan Wilcox, 32, has been charged with armed assault with intent to kill, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon causing […]
Disgraced Massachusetts Trooper Michael Proctor to face State Police trial board after investigation
Disgraced Mass State Police Trooper Michael Proctor, who’s suspended for his offensive texts about Karen Read, is set to face an MSP trial board after the internal affairs investigation wrapped up.
Norovirus cases reportedly surge in Massachusetts, nasty stomach bug spreading across country: ‘Practice good hand hygiene’
Norovirus cases reportedly surge in Massachusetts, nasty stomach bug spreading across country: ‘Practice good hand hygiene’