Biden is scheduled to fly into Boston and attend two campaign receptions in the city, following a stop to deliver remarks at an event in Nashua, New Hampshire on Tuesday morning, according to the White House. Boston Police posted traffic advisories related to the visit for Logan Airport, the Back Bay and the Seaport District from noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Massachusetts health agency inked multiple no-bid contracts for shelter system
The state’s health and human services agency greenlighted four no-bid contracts and an agreement to rent shelter space at a Quincy college for more than $237,000 a month as the Healey administration attempted to respond to an influx of migrants over the past year, according to documents obtained by the Herald.
Gov. Maura Healey turns to former prison to house migrants sleeping at Logan Airport
Gov. Maura Healey’s administration plans to turn a decommissioned prison in Norfolk into an overflow shelter for up to 140 families waiting for placement into the larger state-funded system, a spokesperson for the governor said in a statement Saturday.
Lori Trahan honors winners of 3rd District Congressional Art Competition
CHELMSFORD — Congresswoman Lori Trahan named Concord Academy ninth grader Elyn Tao as the winner of the 3rd District’s 2024 Congressional Art Competition during a May 3 reception honoring participants of this year’s challenge held at the Chelmsford Center for the Arts.
Editorial: Guard’s assault grim reminder of dangers inherent in this duty
It’s no surprise that corrections officers exhibit the worst health of any U.S. occupational group, with high rates of on-the-job injuries, suicide, obesity, hypertension and sleep disruption. Their life expectancy averages more than a decade less than those in other professions, according to research in multiple states. Mazen El Ghaziri, the assistant chair and associate […]
Lori Trahan delivers nearly $8M in HUD funding to 3rd District
LOWELL — U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan is bringing almost $8 million in federal funding home to the 3rd Congressional District communities of Lowell, Fitchburg, Lawrence, and Haverhill to support housing and homeless programs and community development initiatives.