GROTON — A motorcyclist from Ayer was killed late Wednesday afternoon when a motor vehicle veered into his lane of travel on Boston Road, striking him head-on.
Townsend voters reject overrides, again
TOWNSEND — After a recount, the town reported that voters at the June 11 special election rejected two proposed tax overrides – both by razor-thin margins – aimed at providing supplemental funding for Nashoba Valley Technical High School and the North Middlesex Regional School District for the next fiscal year. Presented as questions one and […]
VFW Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 6538 recently honored
TOWNSEND — The VFW Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 6538 was honored at the 2024 Department of Massachusetts Convention held recently, receiving numerous citations and monetary awards for its outstanding participation in and contributions to the programs of the National and State Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliaries. The Auxiliary, which currently has 105 members, is […]
Townsend Memorial Day parade, services being held May 26
TOWNSEND — Members of the local VFW, American Legion and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapters will be taking part in 2024 Memorial Day events on Sunday, May 26, beginning with a 10 a.m. service at the Congregational Church, followed by two parades and a band concert in the afternoon. All Veterans and active military, with […]
Nashoba Tech earns medals at state skills conference
WESTFORD — Six students at Nashoba Valley Technical High School qualified for the SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference by earning gold medals at the recent State Conference. The State Conference was held April 25-27 in Marlborough. The National Leadership & Skills Conference is scheduled for June 24-29 in Atlanta, Ga. Students who earned gold […]
Pepperell, Townsend voters reject overrides
Voters in Pepperell and Townsend spurned ballot questions to raise property and personal taxes, vetoing recent special Town Meeting votes that endorsed Proposition 2½ overrides.