In the kitchen at the central Fitchburg Fire Department on North Street, you’ll find a ceiling-mounted rack clustered with large pots, pans, and lids. This hangs above a restaurant-sized aluminum prep table, surrounded by cabinets which hold additional cooking items, including a tureen big enough to bathe a litter of Dalmatian puppies. The one item […]
Family Recipe Box: Sick of snow? Make some Money’s Cake
Just 48 hours until the big V-Day — if it stops blizzard-ing long enough. If your loved one is hoping for fresh flowers, I’d say get ‘em now. This week, I was reflecting on how Mother Nature has her own “Family Recipe Box” with tried and true formulas such as: snow turning to freezing drizzle, […]
Family Recipe Box: Local rivals share their Thanksgiving favorites
At this year’s Breakfast For the Bands, the annual pre-Thanksgiving celebration, Leominster High School’s cafeteria was transformed into an indoor concert hall for both Fitchburg and Leominster’s marching bands. A squad of football players cheerfully served hundreds of pancakes and bacon strips, scrambled eggs and French toast to throngs of supporters, who were perked up […]
Pet Talk: Why do cats hiss?
DEAR PET TALK: Why do cats hiss? -Logan Thornton, Mr. Wironen’s 4th grade, Reingold Elementary School, Fitchburg DEAR LOGAN: Great question – and it’s definitely not because they’re happy. Hissing is a way for felines to express fear, especially when they are startled. Other signs of showing fear are flattened ears, curled tongue, fangs displayed, […]
Pet of the Week: Oreo at Manchester Animal Shelter
Spots and dots are what you’ll see on Oreo’s coat – and what’s inside is love, sweet love. This cuddly seven-year-old Dalmation mix would love a buddy or family looking for a bright dog who’s up for outdoor walks, or trips to the lake. He’s a really bright fellow and would be best as the […]
Pet of the Week: Apollo at Broken Tail Rescue
There ain’t nothing like a Dane! Apollo, a black Great Dane currently at Broken Tail Rescue, is between one and two years old. He’s about 70 pounds, and still growing. This big boy is currently working on his manners, including potty training, but he’s making daily progress. Apollo needs a kind, and compassionate owner who […]