FITCHBURG — The Concert Band and Community Orchestra at Fitchburg State University will present a free concert featuring guest trumpeter Jay Daly at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25, in Weston Auditorium, 353 North St. Admission is free and open to the public. “It’s widely known that Jay Daly is one of the premier trumpeters in […]
Goodrich Academy principal remains on leave
FITCHBURG – Goodrich Academy Principal Alexis Curry remains on paid administrative leave pending a third-party investigation, a situation that has dragged on for 14 weeks. While the District administration has been tight lipped about what Curry is being accused of, those who have seen the complaint say it involves the principal’s methods for reprimanding teachers […]
Fitchburg State presents absurdist short plays in April
FITCHBURG — Two one-act plays that point out the bizarre, delightful and surreal nature of life will be presented as Fitchburg State University’s spring theater productions in April. The performances, collectively known as “Absurdist Alert!” will be held next week in the Wallace Theater for the Performing Arts in the McKay Complex at 67 Rindge […]
Mayor holds inaugural ball Saturday
The community came together to honor Fitchburg Mayor Samantha Squailia for her inaugural ball held this past Saturday, April 13 at the Senior Center.
Drew Thibeault ready to ‘go big’
It started as something of a joke. Jake Thiebeault made a simple statement in passing to Boston Bruins Foundation Coordinator Tommy Comparato and Director of Development Bob Sweeney at a foundation event in October. “Wouldn’t it be awesome if my brother Drew ran the Boston Marathon for you guys?” It seemed like an innocent enough […]
‘Not just a tribute, it’s a testament’
FITCHBURG — The Steve Ciccolini Music Program & Education Memorial Fund recently made a $12,000 donation that is being divided among the music programs of three city schools. Fitchburg High School and Longsjo and Memorial middle schools are the recipients of the generous gesture. A check was presented to FHS music teacher and Band Director […]