WESTMINSTER — Down but certainly not out. The Ashburnham/Westminster 13-15 year-old squad found itself with its back against the wall in game two of the Central Massachusetts Baseball League Championship series Monday afternoon. Trailing 1-0 in the best-of-three series, Ash/West dug itself a 5-1 deficit after two complete innings to Leominster. Unfazed, Ash/West battled back […]
Local Sports
Friday night lights return this week
Already well established as a showcase for high school football players in the eastern part of the state, the Northeast 7v7 tournament will settle in Fitchburg Friday night for some Central Mass. competition. Featuring 24 schools, the 7-on-7 football tournament will take place at St. Bernard’s Bernardian Bowl. The games kick off at 2 p.m. […]
Post 151 finding its stride
Nearly the midpoint of its District 4 schedule, Post 151 is putting together a pretty memorable season. And according the Leominster American Legion baseball team’s head coach Jeff Dedeian, the boys in orange and blue have yet to truly hit their stride this summer. “We do get hits, but our consistency hasn’t been there yet […]
Post 151 does just enough to top Main South
LEOMINSTER — Consistency at the plate has been one of the few issues the Leominster American Legion Post 151 baseball team has faced this season. The performances of Leominster’s arms, however, has been rock solid. The struggle for offense continued Thursday evening, but strong showings from a pair of Post 151 hurlers helped power Leominster […]
Another successful camp at St. Bernard’s
FITCHBURG — It was another successful year for the St. Bernard’s Summer Basketball Camp. The camp, which began on Monday and ran through Thursday, was a three-hour daily dose of fundamental skill work, games and fun. On Thursday afternoon, St. Bernard’s girls head coach Keith Boissoneau and boys head coach Paul Constantino put the finishing […]
Confident Blue Devils rally past Westford Academy
LEOMINSTER — Down, but never out. Despite struggling to generate offense early and falling behind No. 12 Westford Academy on Wednesday, the fifth-seeded Leominster High baseball team never doubted itself. Rather than hang their heads, the Blue Devils remained confident. In the field, at the plate, on the mound, there was a quiet confidence. Leominster […]