Members of the Massachusetts legal community gathered at the John Adams Courthouse Wednesday for the unveiling of a portrait of the later SJC Chief Justice Ralph Gants.
Acting Massachusetts US Attorney highlights work on human trafficking, opioids and COVID fraud
Joshua Levy was First Assistant USA under Rachael Rollins’ brief tenure at the helm, which ended with her resignation under ethical fire a year ago. Levy assumed the top role and he is now President Biden’s nominee for the permanent position.
Acting US Attorney: Rachael Rollins DOJ reports were ‘a significant blow’
It’s been a year since former U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Rachael Rollins resigned amid two scathing federal reports on her alleged misconduct in office, which her replacement said was “a significant blow.”
Driver parks car into RMV building
A motor vehicle collided with the Registry of Motor Vehicles on Research Drive in Leominster at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. No injuries were reported and the operator was not transported from the scene. (GARY FOURNIER)
Mass. economists mindful of signs of softening
The economists at MassBenchmarks are taking a more dim view of the state’s economy almost halfway through 2024 and said Thursday that a recent slowdown in growth revives questions of whether the economy is headed for a recession or a soft landing. “The economy is not as strong as first thought and there is a […]
Police: Drowning victim identified as Fitchburg man
DUBLIN, N.H. — On Sunday, police identified a 51-year-old Fitchburg man who had been found drowned on the northern side of Dublin Lake, according to Dublin, N.H. Police. Early Friday morning, State Police Marine Patrol and Dublin Police responded to Dublin Lake in regards to the report of a male subject in his fifties who […]