In the kitchen at the central Fitchburg Fire Department on North Street, you’ll find a ceiling-mounted rack clustered with large pots, pans, and lids. This hangs above a restaurant-sized aluminum prep table, surrounded by cabinets which hold additional cooking items, including a tureen big enough to bathe a litter of Dalmatian puppies. The one item […]
Editorial: City of Fitchburg, residents in these heroic workers’ debt
How about a warm round of applause for this group of hard-working public employees. By the way, they’d really appreciate that warmth. And please, no jokes about how many workers it takes to change a light bulb. That insulting, hackneyed stereotype of the municipal sector couldn’t be further removed from the harsh reality faced by […]
Editorial: Mass., N.H. govs must follow mayors’ drug-partner steps
A few weeks ago Lowell Mayor Dan Rourke addressed an open letter to New Hampshire Gov. Kelly Ayotte on this newspaper’s Opinion page in response to her tweet warning drug dealers from Lawrence and Lowell that law enforcement in her state “will find you, stop you, and lock you up.” While rightly pointing out that […]
Family Recipe Box: Sick of snow? Make some Money’s Cake
Just 48 hours until the big V-Day — if it stops blizzard-ing long enough. If your loved one is hoping for fresh flowers, I’d say get ‘em now. This week, I was reflecting on how Mother Nature has her own “Family Recipe Box” with tried and true formulas such as: snow turning to freezing drizzle, […]
Editorial: Feds’ Title IX probe may preclude need for girls opt-out bill
The breakneck speed in which the Trump administration has moved to reverse the way things have previously operated in Washington has kept political pundits’ heads on a swivel. That alacrity has spread beyond The Beltway, and in doing so may have overtaken events unfolding across the country, including in Massachusetts. That seems to be what’s […]
Eye on Art: Loading Dock Gallery and FAM greet 2025 with new exhibits
Hard to believe it’s 2025, since it seems like yesterday that we were dreading Y2K and planning to greet the new millennium. But as we ponder where that quarter century went, there are new exhibits to stimulate your minds and perk up your spirits. The 8th Annual Greater Lowell Regional Art Show “Inspiration Unveiled” is […]