DEAR PET TALK: What kind of jobs and services do dogs do? Yania Rentas, Goodrich Academy, Fitchburg DEAR YANIA: Canines have more jobs every year, it seems. A few weeks ago, we wrote about the services that dogs can do in the medical sphere (detecting chemicals from the human body; letting a diabetic person know […]
Pet Talk
Pet Talk: Cats’ favorite kind of petting
DEAR PET TALK: What is a good place to pet a cat? — Joanna Fleuriot, Mr. Wironen’s 4th grade class, Reingold Elementary School, Fitchburg. DEAR JOANNA: There’s a lot of variety among individual cats, and while some cats may enjoy a head scratch, others may look at that place as a vulnerable spot, and want […]
Pet Talk: Why do cats hiss?
DEAR PET TALK: Why do cats hiss? -Logan Thornton, Mr. Wironen’s 4th grade, Reingold Elementary School, Fitchburg DEAR LOGAN: Great question – and it’s definitely not because they’re happy. Hissing is a way for felines to express fear, especially when they are startled. Other signs of showing fear are flattened ears, curled tongue, fangs displayed, […]