The “booker” for a network of brothels in Greater Boston and Virginia has followed his boss in pleading guilty to his part in the crime.
Boston residents, businesses say Mass and Cass conditions have spread, worsened in parks and neighborhoods
Residents and business leaders slammed the open-air drug use, public sex and violence they said has worsened in surrounding neighborhoods since tents were cleared at Mass and Cass, in stark contrast from the progress cited by the Wu administration.
North Atlantic right whale population actually increases, but ‘threats from vessel strikes and entanglement’ remain
The North Atlantic right whale population actually increases, but ‘threats from vessel strikes and entanglement’ remain
Beverly Cannone will be the judge for the second Karen Read trial after declaring a mistrial
Norfolk County Judge Beverly Cannone, who declared a mistrial in the first Karen Read trial, will return to the bench for the second trial, according to the state’s Trial Court.
Winter weather outlook: Massachusetts may see 30 to 40 inches of snow
Following a record mild winter last year, Massachusetts may be in for another relatively mild but more snowy winter, as a likely La Nina system takes shape in the coming months, according to early forecasts.
ACLU backs Karen Read’s SJC appeal of her murder charge
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts filed a brief in Read’s appeal to Massachusetts’ highest court to have two of the three charges against her, including second-degree murder, dropped in her second trial.