TOWNSEND — The VFW Auxiliary Post is sponsoring a 3D Patriotic Art Contest, in which high school students have the opportunity to use their artistic talents to express their patriotism while competing for cash at the local and state levels and funds to further their education at the national level. The three-dimensional art can be […]
VFW Auxiliary to host ‘Illustrating America’ Art Contest
TOWNSEND — The VFW Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 6538 is sponsoring the Illustrating America Art Contest for students in both Grades 3 through 5 and Grades 6 through 8 in conjunction with the VFW Auxiliary Department of Massachusetts and the National VFW Auxiliary. The VFW Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 6538 will award $30 […]
‘Positive, fun and helpful’
ASHBY — For those interested in learning new ways to enrich your child’s development, nurture curiosity, self-esteem, and independence, then the Right Start Playgroup could be of interest. Right Start Playgroup, designed with children from birth to 3-ish in mind, is an unstructured play for children and camaraderie for parents and caregivers. The playgroup, which […]