Top Massachusetts House Democrats plan to change an internal rule to grant the State Auditor’s Office the sole authority to select an independent firm to conduct a review of the chamber’s finances, officials said in a statement Thursday.
Local News
Alleged Boston sex buyers lose bid to keep names secret
A group of allegedly powerful men implicated in the Greater Boston and DC suburbs of Virginia sex-trade case lost their appeal to the state’s highest court to keep their names secret.
Potpourri Gift Shop offers a mixture of all things local
LEOMINSTER — The definition of the word potpourri — a mixture of things — describes perfectly a new gift shop in town, named simply Potpourri Gift Shop. The gift shop, located at 853 North Main St., features unique and thoughtful gifts for every occasion that are proudly made in New England and in the U.S. “We […]
NMRSD School committee ‘may face difficult discussions’ for next budget
TOWNSEND — With the help of town officials in Ashby Pepperell and Townsend, the North Middlesex Regional School Committee will host a community forum to discuss the formation of the fiscal 2025-2026 budget on Monday, Nov. 18. At the forum School Committee members, Superintendent Brad Morgan, central office staff, and representatives of the three communities […]
North Shore teachers strikes continue Thursday, two unions facing $50K fines
Beverly and Gloucester teachers’ unions were ordered to pay $50,000 fine Wednesday as contentious negotiations continue and their strike heads into its fourth school day Thursday.
Officials suspect high winds snapped pole on Priest Street
A fire truck approaches the scene in Leominster at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday morning after high winds were suspected of knocking over a utility pole, which rested on wires and hovered over an area of Priest Street near Doyle Field. National Grid was not…